

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

There's something in my ear...

...and I just can't get at it. Seriously, it's driving me NUTS.

I have done a lot of scratching, some quite outstanding rubbing of ear on the ground, and have even submitted to being molested with scissors to trim my manly ear curls and it still


I need a solution and I need it fast or it'll be the low road to the V E T.

Oh and Happy New Year by the way. Was it a waggy one for you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Abigail!

It's me again, Tammy the Marketing Coordinator at The Uncommon Dog. We just finished another informative info-graphic that I thought you might be interested in. It's titled "How Dogs Became Our Best Friends!".

If you love dogs, like we do, then you'll love this story. Recent scientific breakthroughs have increased our understanding about how dogs have come to play such an integral part of our daily lives. This fun and engaging info-graphic tells that story in a way that we hope makes it accessible and interesting to everyone.

If you would like to share this info-graphic with your readers, please feel free to do so. You can find the info-graphic here: Again, all we ask in return is that you link back to, in some way, from your post.

Also, definitely let me know if you do decide to post it because we'd be happy to spread the word again about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages.

If you'd like your e-mail removed from our mailing list, please let us know.

Big Tail Wag!
Tammy Sexton
Marketing Coordinator